Monday, October 4, 2010

Medicare Beneficiaries Are Losing Their Rights in 2011

Thanks to recent legislation you now have less time to make a decision on your Medicare coverage!  In previous years you had the AEP or Annual Enrollment Period and the OEP or Open Enrollment Period.  The AEP ran from November 15th to the end of the year while the OEP ran from January 1st until March 31st.  These enrollment periods applied to Medicare Part C also known as Medicare Advantage. 

Unfortunately, Medicare beneficiaries are slowly losing their rights.  In 2011, you will no longer have the OEP in order to make a change.  This enrollment period was essential because it allowed you to be able to "try" out the plan that you had enrolled in.  If that plan was not to your liking, you could always sign up with a new plan through the end of March.  Congress, in it's infinite wisdom has done away with this necessary enrollment period and in it's place instituted the MA Disenrollment Period.  This period runs from January 1st through February 15th. 

 At first glance one might think that they just shortened the period, but in reality during this time period you may only drop your plan!  You only have the option of going back to original Medicare and a PDP (Prescription Drug Plan).  Not really much of an option unless you're willing to shell out the big bucks for a Medicare supplement! 

So, after you finish writing your congress person, make sure you do your due diligence when it comes to selecting your Medicare plan for 2011

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